Natural Sleep Aid
Health Problems & Insomnia Solution
New Solution for Old Sleep Problems

It is a surprising fact that over 60% of all Americans complain of insomnia, or trouble getting a good night's sleep. This affects both men and women. Some people may not even know they have insomnia. Many times I hear patients say that they do not have insomnia but at the same time they also say they get up in the middle of the night once, sometimes twice, to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, that is an example of insomnia. Unless you are able to get to sleep as soon as you go to bed AND sleep at least 6 hours without interruption, you have insomnia.
I mention 6 hours without interruption. I have been asked what is the correct number of hours a person is supposed to sleep. The answer is that it varies from person to person. The most common amounts range between 6 and 10. Most adults know how much sleep they need to feel rested. It is the amount of sleep that is needed to rejuvenate and repair the body during that time period. Because the digestive system is not in high demand while you sleep, most of the cellular repair can occur.
Insomnia Causes
There are a number of common contributors to sleep disorders: stress, bladder or kidney disorders, odd work schedules, eating a heavy meal right before bedtime, incorrect diet for your particular body's needs, uncomfortable mattress, and caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine use late in the day.
Some patients often take strong prescribed sleeping pills. Be aware, however, that drugs are not a cure for the underlying causes of insomnia, and can be dangerously addictive. And did you know that some medications for other types of ailments actually cause insomnia, such as high-blood pressure medicine, and many decongestants and antihistamines, for example? Even so-called natural remedies such as melatonin and valerian root should be taken only under supervision, as these too can cause possible reactions.
However, for those of my patients who have trouble sleeping, and feel they have 'tried everything', I have found something that works extremely well.
Rest Easy: A Drug-Free Solution!
Sleep Release is a special product combining Chinese herbal components and all-natural ingredients. This is a very wonderful product! Call 727 449-8080 and order your Sleep Release today, or click the "Order Here" button at right to order right now!
Read The Decuypere Report: Tiredness Report