A few years ago I made the observation that respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough and allergies had been - and still are - increasing since the late 1970's. In spite of improving technology and advances in medicine and science, traditional therapies appear to produce minimal improvements at best. This phenomenon prompted me to conduct a deeper and more thorough investigation of the area to see if an explanation could be found.
Although I approached this with an open mind, with no preconceived ideas or expectations, the results of my research were undeniable.
Radiation - The Hidden Cause
Nobody talks about radiation. And why would you talk about it? It would only be a subject of discussion if it were a threat - a threat to you, or your family or loved ones. In fact, it is the biggest unidentified threat to human health on our planet at this time.
There is no doubt that radiation causes bad effects on human bodies, and that those effects are far greater than anyone has ever allowed us to believe. I am not just talking about people who work at or live near nuclear power plants, although they are, of course, at high risk of exposure. All of us, to a greater or lesser degree, have been exposed to some form of radiation. Especially at risk are children, small babies and those yet to be born. The most common sources of exposure are: airborne sources, such as nuclear accidents, bomb testing; the sun's rays, X-rays, cigarette smoke (see my Radiation & Tobacco Report), dental porcelain, some medical therapies, and radiation that exists in soil, and gets into our water and food supplies.
Radiation exposure will cause a person to have a weakened immune system and related health problems throughout his entire life. This exposure causes devastating illnesses, such as cancer and degenerative diseases, but it can also cause minor ailments, such as a persistent cough, headaches, sleep disturbances and gastrointestinal dysfunction.
The good news is that there are remedies for the bad effects of radiation, and they are contained within these pages. This report is dedicated to helping you to protect, preserve and improve your health, and the health of your family.
First, let us define some terms. The basic definition of an allergy is: The reaction that occurs when the human body rejects something which it considers harmful. What does that mean? How does that relate to you? For one person, this may mean a runny nose or itchy eyes. For another it could be a blinding headache. For still others it could mean the real cause of their present illness.
A person can be allergic to anything - even things that one would normally think of as beneficial to the body, such as nutritional supplements. The most destructive allergies can be those one would not normally suspect. Radiation has probably never been suspected of being an underlying cause of allergies and diseases until now.
How Does Radiation Cause Allergies?
In spite of the fact that for the last 50 years man-made radiation has been repeatedly set loose on earth via bomb testing and nuclear spills, the majority of our health care providers do not routinely check a person for exposure amounts, or for effects suffered from past exposures. And yet radiation is cumulative and its effects devastating, both short and long-term.
The body digests, inhales or absorbs radiation. For example, grain and other vegetation can absorb radiation from the soil where it was deposited by the winds from radioactive clouds. The radiation from the Chernobyl cloud has passed over the US several times since that nuclear accident occurred in 1986. Trees and grass, as well as agricultural plants, absorb radiation. When they are destroyed through logging, fires, and cultivation, the radiation is reintroduced into the atmosphere. Another astonishing example is the fact that radioactive waste is added to some fertilizers, which are then spread on tobacco crops.
How does this eventually affect you? You eat the grain (breakfast cereal, bread, muffins, pasta, pizza, etc.). This is the same grain that has absorbed radiation - radiation which survived all refinement and cooking processes.
The grain, as a food source, is needed by the body, but the radiation is not. The natural reaction of the body is to reject the radiation in an effort to maintain health. Because it associates the grain with the radiation, the body rejects the grain. Continued consumption of grain will eventually cause an allergic reaction.
Radiation Results In Starvation, Illness and Allergies
This rejection of 'harmful' substances results in stress on different parts of the body. It also prevents the body from digesting the nutrients in the grain, which causes a deficiency in those nutrients. This deficiency causes a craving for the grain. The craving will cause excessive consumption of the grain in an attempt to get those missing nutrients.
This rejection by the body of the grain and the nutrients it contains is defined now as an allergy or a sensitivity. Also, eating more food will result in further radiation being absorbed and further damage being done. This information is key, and explains a great many problems in the field of health today. So, to recap, here is the sequence of how that works:
- Mankind pollutes the planet with radioactive materials.
- The radioactive particles fall on the ground.
- The radioactive particles are absorbed by plants.
- Man and animals eat the plants.
- The body rejects the radiation attached to the plants.
- The body rejects the plants - and the nutrients in them - because it associates the plants with the radiation.
- The body craves the missing nutrients and eats more food, absorbing more radiation, but still rejecting the nutrients.
- More damage is done to the body, resulting in apparently unexplainable illnesses, as well as malnutrition and obesity.
Consider all the things that come in contact with our bodies - everything from vegetables, to milk from cows who ate radioactive grass, to the air we breathe - and you will understand that along with radioactive fallout comes increased allergies and increased respiratory ailments.
This is an amazing discovery. The ramifications are far reaching. The body receives vitamins and minerals from food; if the body is denied or deficient in any of these, it will manifest in a weakening of the body and subsequent disease, and illness will result. You end up with malnutrition, a planet-wide problem. It has been estimated that there are 1.1 billion people on this planet that are overweight, and 1.1 billion that are grossly underweight, starving to death, in fact. The overweight, like the underweight, are malnourished.
The discovery that radiation, coupled with other elements, produces allergies is new with this report and my upcoming book. The pieces have been there, independently found by others, but never put together. Using this new information, "radiation coupled with other things causes allergies", one can predict an increase in allergies around the world. A review of the available statistics proves the fact.
Please don't misread this. I'm not saying this is the only way one becomes allergic to something, as it likely is not. Allergies can be developed in different ways. But, the point is that radiation causes allergies, and is behind the widespread increase in related illness, such as asthma and other respiratory problems. I suspect that it is also behind many of the immune problems we are experiencing as well, but that is subject to more research.
What Other Illnesses Can Be Caused By Radiation?
It is a little known fact that many illnesses, from life-threatening diseases to mild ailments, can be traced back to the effects of radiation exposure. Problems like respiratory difficulties, stomach complaints, and weakened immune system tend to be overlooked as being caused by radiation, and therefore are often treated with drugs and other incorrect 'remedies'.
Exposure to radiation, even at very low levels, affects adults, and even more so children, because their bodies are still developing.
Another radiation-related problem that often goes undetected is malnutrition. How can this be, if one is eating a 'normal' diet? Using our grain example, if one is eating radiation-contaminated foods, the body will reject those foods and the nutrients contained in them. This will cause an unsuspected nutritional deficiency. A child, or an adult, does not have to look gaunt or obese to be seriously lacking in an important nutritional element, such as a mineral or a vitamin. The easiest way to check for nutritional deficiencies is to be tested by a qualified practitioner.
Where Does Radiation Come From?
The fact is if you live on planet Earth you are constantly being exposed to two kinds of radiation: man-made radiation, and naturally occurring radiation, also known as 'background radiation.'
Man-made radiation comes from nuclear weapons research, creation, use, and disposal thereof; accidental spills of radioactive materials; nuclear power plants; space programs; and dumping, either in the ground, in the ocean or in space.
Background radiation is unavoidable. Common sources include:
- Cosmic radiation from the sun and stars;
- Terrestrial radiation that comes from naturally radioactive elements in the soil and water;
- Many building materials, especially granite, contain naturally radioactive elements;
- Radon gas, which often accumulates in buildings and homes;
- Some foods contain small amounts of radiation, acquired in the course of growing or processing. A few examples are beer, whiskey, milk, salad oil, flour, and tea;
- X-rays, dental and chest, give varying exposures, depending on the type of equipment and film used and the skill of the operator;
- Other minor sources, such as airplane travel, smoke detectors, highway construction, natural gas heating and cooking, and color TV;
- Naturally occurring radiation in our bodies adds a small amount to the total.
- Medical radiation therapy gives a whopping dose with each treatment, equal to about twelve times the normal amount absorbed annually by the average American. This is questionably the lesser of two evils when it comes to potentially life-threatening illnesses;
- Cigarettes, two packs a day, will treat you to the equivalent of a staggering sixteen times the amount of radiation absorbed annually by the average American. Here, there is no 'lesser evil', just evil.
- From porcelain dental crowns and dentures (containing uranium), you will receive three times the total amount of radiation absorbed annually by the average American per tooth. Smile.
If, while reading this section you come to the realization that avoidance of sources of radioactivity is not the answer to the radiation problem, you are right - read on.
Solution #1 - Radiation And Nutrition
There are two main solutions to the radiation problem. The first concerns nutrition. It is a scientific oddity that the human body sometimes confuses certain radioactive elements with minerals the body is lacking. This is because some radioactive substances are very similar to non-radioactive minerals that our bodies need.
Potassium has a chemical composition similar to a radioactive substance called Cesium 137. Cesium 137, a nuclear byproduct, can be ingested into the body via fruits and vegetables grown in contaminated soil. This radioactive substance accumulates in the body. Because of this similarity, if the body is deficient in potassium, it will absorb any available Cesium 137. If, however, the body has a good supply of potassium, it will be much less likely to absorb the radioactive particles. Obviously, the absorption of radioactive substances is very dangerous and harmful to the body. It is the explanation and the process of allergic response and 'unexplained' illnesses.
In 1986, when the Chernobyl disaster occurred, a huge amount of radioactive iodine 131 was released into the atmosphere. Iodine 131 causes irreparable damage to the thyroid gland. The thyroid needs iodine to function correctly and, unfortunately, the body cannot tell the difference between good iodine and bad iodine. The governments of some European countries distributed bottles of potassium iodate pills to their people when the disaster occurred. Taking potassium iodate (good iodine) in sufficient quantities you can effectively block the radioactive iodine from being absorbed by your body.
Taking this information, one can see that the ideal situation is to have your body so well nourished with the proper nutrients and minerals that it will have very little tendency to absorb radioactive particles. Any particles that may be absorbed thereafter will have less opportunity to damage the body.
The main minerals to be aware of in terms of protecting the body from radiation damage are potassium, iodine and calcium. These are can be found in whole, organic foods or in good quality supplement form.
Although the American Dairy industry would have us believe that cow's milk is the ultimate source of calcium, in fact cow's milk is not a good source of absorbable calcium. In his book, Don't Drink Your Milk! Dr. Frank Oski tells us why. "The reason has to do with the fact that cow milk is also rich in phosphorous. Human milk contains very little phosphorous and the ratio of calcium to phosphorous is somewhat greater than two to one. Phosphorous can combine with calcium in the intestinal tract and prevent the absorption of calcium."
Not only that, but the synthetic hormones and antibiotics fed to cows have contributed to making a large percentage of people - both adults and children - allergic to cow's milk. In 1974 researchers from the Consumers' Union found that of 25 milk samples from different sources, 21 contained residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons, which are believed to cause birth defects and cancer. For more information see my Not Milk! report.
Better sources of calcium are:
- dark green vegetables like spinach, broccoli
- Green leaves such as turnip, mustard or collard greens
- salad greens like arugula or watercress
- nuts
- grains
- legumes
- soy products
- sesame seeds
- salmon
- sardines
Good sources of potassium are:
- avocadoes
- spinach
- lima beans
- meats
- poultry
- bananas
- cantaloupe
- grapefruit
- oranges
- tomatoes
- honeydew melons
- prunes
- dried fruits
- nuts
- blackstrap molasses
- and potatoes
Good sources of iodine are:
- seafood
- seaweed, such as kelp
- fruits and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil (organic)
- table salt with added iodine
For more information on healthy eating see my Fuel For The Body report.
Solution #2 - Muscle Testing
The body can be viewed in many different ways. Doctors use a number of methods to diagnosis and analyze the health of their patients. One of these methods is known as muscle response testing - often referred to as muscle testing. You may have heard of it and wondered what it was. Those of you who have had personal experience with muscle testing know how difficult it is to explain to someone who has never had the experience. Muscle testing is a simple and basic tool that can be used by a doctor or can be used by you.
With muscle testing we are concerned with a 'strong' or 'weak' muscle. What do I mean by that? It is understood that in a healthy body the muscles will be strong. And what makes them strong is the integrity of the nervous system or electrical system. When that system is confronted by an item such as a peanut, for example, which has its own organic energy, it will respond either positively or negatively. A positive response results in a strong muscle, which means it is something that will keep that muscle - and thus the body - strong. Conversely, a negative response will result in a weakened muscle. This tells us that if the peanut is either held in the hand or consumed, it will weaken the body. The actual manifestation of that weakness will be different for different people. One person could feel fatigued, for example, while another may get a headache, or perhaps a runny nose.
Muscle testing is a fast, non-invasive method for uncovering imbalances. The two most common ways to do muscle testing are:
- By one person on another.
- By you on yourself.
How To Do A Muscle Response Test
When a normal, strong muscle is challenged it will respond in one of two ways. When performing a muscle test we are not concerned with how powerful the muscle is, but rather how the nervous system reacts to the challenge. One of the first reactions the nervous system has to an allergen, for example, is that it is weakened. In other words, the strong muscle will become momentarily weakened. That's really all there is to it.
Here's how it is done. Suppose you suspect you are allergic to something. These are the steps to take when there are two people doing the test:
- The person being tested (you) can either sit, stand or lay down with one arm extended at a 90 degree angle.
- Next, the tester must press down just above the wrist of your extended arm while you resist slightly. This is not a contest. Your arm should stay about even with your shoulder, and you should try to maintain that position. This step establishes a baseline of a person's strength.
- Now the actual test begins. If you suspect that you are allergic to peanuts, for example, hold some peanuts in the opposite hand while the tester pushes down on your extended arm. The tester should exert exactly the same amount of pressure as before, with you exerting the same resistance as in the baseline test. If the arm appears much weaker, it is highly likely you are allergic to peanuts.
The "O" ring test, which is when you do the test on yourself, is done this way:
- Make an "O" shape with the thumb and little finger of the left hand. Apply a little pressure.
- Hold the allergen - in our example, a peanut - in your right hand. Use the index finger of this hand to try to separate the thumb and little finger of the left hand by applying pressure against them from inside the "ring" to outside.
Muscle testing can be fun. It is amazing in its simplicity. You will need to practice. Practice until you feel confident. If you don't feel confident doing it yourself, or if you would rather visit a practitioner, it is important to find one who is well trained in muscle testing and in particular, allergy elimination technique.
I Found An Allergen - What Now?
You have a few choices. You can either:
- Avoid the allergen. You can choose to avoid it completely, or you could minimize your exposure to it. There are a number of reference books which explain how to do this, such as If This Is Tuesday, It Must Be Chicken, or How To Rotate Your Food For Better Health by Natalie Golos.
- Visit a practitioner who specializes in allergy elimination. Keep in mind there are the traditional allergy treatments which involve weekly, monthly and sometimes annual inoculations. However, there are technologies available today (such as BioSET and NAET) which allow us to completely eliminate - in a non-invasive way - any allergen.
The technology of muscle testing has a broad range of applications. It can be used to test reactions to items besides foods, such as chemicals, pesticides, cleaning products, foods, perfumes, and even the water you drink. A person could be tested and perhaps treated by a doctor for a particular allergen, only to find that a persistent reaction may be from an additive (such as MSG) rather than the item itself.
And now you know about radiation, allergies and how to solve the problems these present to the health of yourself, your family and your friends. I sincerely hope this information will be of use to you.
Yours in Health
Dr. J.D. Decuypere
(727) 449-8080
Disclaimer: Statements about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Check with your healthcare professional before undergoing any protocol.